Title: Racing to Find Some Truth

Instrumentation: String Quartet

Duration: 3 minutes

Written In: 2018

Premiered and Recorded by:

Mivos Quartet

Premiered at the Walden School's 2018 Creative Musicians Retreat, Dublin, NH, 2018

Purchase: Score+parts available at American Composers Alliance

Program Note:
There are times when I let my mind wander where it seems it’s trying to find something – an answer or some thought. It feels as if my thoughts are travelling in a hundred different directions when this happens. I tried to bring this idea and feeling out through a fast-moving motive at the beginning, portraying a race to find something. The musical journey then takes a turn when it transitions into a short, chaotic section, before moving into a more contemplative mood. Finally, a section with an even more chaotic texture than the first, ends the piece, portraying thoughts moving simultaneously in different directions once again.


Breaking Point


God's a-Gonna Trouble the Water