Title: Sing With Me

Instrumentation: Vocalist and Violin

Duration: 10 minutes

Written In: 2023

Premiered and Recorded by:

Nicholas Felder, Vocalist

Matt Albert, Violin

Professionally Recorded by Doug Perkins and SlyPup Productions
University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre and Dance, 2023

Purchase: Score+parts available at American Composers Alliance

Learn More: &Violin project

Program Note:
Sing With Me is a prayer and meditation. A journal entry. A call to action. It asks for a simple duet with a friend while also urging a need for community when advocating for people's rights and wellbeing as well as your own.

This piece encapsulates a love that is contemplative and vulnerable. Bittersweet and peaceful. A love that is warm and fierce and weary and hopeful. The music illustrates love as a process—something that seems elusive at times but then may return when we ask for it.

Written for and commissioned by Matt Albert, Chair of Chamber Music and Associate Professor of Music at the University of Michigan.


From All Those Before Me


We Can Sing!