Title: Dear Black Child: A Letter on Love and Joy

Instrumentation: Vocalist, Violin, and Viola

Duration: 5 minutes

Written In: 2024

To Be Premiered at:

the Du Vert à L'infini Festival, Franche-Comté, France, 2024

Recording Coming Soon!

Program Note:
Inspired by Tamara Winfrey Harris’s Dear Black Girl: Letters from Your Sisters on Stepping into Your Power, Dear Black Child is a letter to Black youth on embracing joy and curiosity in relationships and self-identity. Moments that seem merely playful, such as having a crush on someone, can culminate into a lifelong journey of growth. In these moments, we learn more about ourselves as individuals—our strengths and capabilities.

So to all Black children, I say, fall in love to connect with someone. Fall in love to test what’s possible. And always remember to love yourself. Because you ARE Black and beautiful.

