Title: “Breaking Point”
Written In: 2021
Publication: In From Our Eyes & Ears: Writings by Musicians of Color, Vol. I: Black Voices, edited by Lorin Green and LaVonna Wright, 2024. Full publication available on Amazon.
For the Music Composition: click here.
I have been asking myself these questions of who I am
As a person,
As an individual
As an artist.
And asking,
“What does it mean… to become… me?
And what does it mean to become… ‘BLACK’?
Because I’ve been BL A C K my entire life…”
Thinking myself an imposter in my own skin.
Tearing myself across_____________the rigid
And the beautiful—
The harsh dissonance from my body
And the spiritual lyricism…
…in my soul.
But I have decided not to limit myself—
To be part of one thing
And e v e r y t h i n g at the same time.
Because I am me,
I am ME
And I will not
allow myself
to retreat
Or SHRINK inside.
Because I have hit my breaking point—
No return