Title: Skin: Stretching What You Know About Your Being

Instrumentation: A Capella Vocal Ensemble

Duration: 7 minutes

Written In: 2021

Premiered and Recorded by:

Alexia Benson, Nicholas Felder, Xenia St. Charles Gilbert, and Grey Grant, vocalists

Premiered at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, Ann Arbor, MI, 2021

Program Note:
In the process of writing this piece, I was existing in the headspace of a rubbing tension—surveying all my scars and bruises on my skin (literally and metaphorically) in an attempt to start the process of healing, or at least, becoming conscious.

In this “stretching”—pushing yourself to your limits (again, metaphorically as well as physically, in the sense of treating the skin like elastic, something made to be stretched)—I ask myself and the people engaging with this work, either as performer or audience member, a series of questions. Where are the limits and boundaries, not only in your being—your spirit—but also your literal, physical body? Where are your curves and edges? Where do your fingers end? How might you use your voice, as an embodied instrument, to communicate this exploration?


This Space: A Place for Belonging


Breaking Point