Title: This Space: A Place for Belonging

Instrumentation: Vocal Ensemble, Violin, and Viola

Duration: 17 minutes

Written In: 2022

Premiered and Recorded by:

Alexia Benson, Natalia Camargo, Nicholas Felder, Alexis Lamb, Matthew Lukens, Vocalists

Camille Jones, Violin and Vocalist

Kaitlyn Walker, Viola and Vocalist

Premiered at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, Ann Arbor, MI, 2022

Program Note:
"This Space: A Place for Belonging" can be split into 3 parts—a poetic narration and invocation providing a glimpse into a liberated world of my imagining; a graphic score guided exploration of your being and its relation to others around you; and a gospel song, serving as an emotional and spiritual release and communion. The piece, as a whole, aims to at least start to redefine the performance space as a place for artists and people to more openly express their identities as people and then come together into a communion.


Sing My Song


Skin: Stretching What You Know About Your Being